Random tips and points — Conference and Workshop Experiences

g2p2pop blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 10, 2020

By Alexandra Howard

Conference and Workshop Experiences

  • Be confident, smile and don’t be afraid to introduce yourself — this is much better than my habit of just talking to people and not knowing anyone’s names!
  • Don’t be afraid to skip a talk/session that’s not relevant to you if it means continuing networking after the coffee break or enjoying the beautiful location you travelled so far to see! Just try do it with a new contact to justify it ;)
  • If possible, plan extra days to enjoy and recover… I went all the way to a conference in Portugal for three days and didn’t get to see anything but luckily a one day field trip was included!
  • Don’t be scared to check plenary speakers Google Scholar page and “scientifically stalk” scientists to give you an easier conversation starter or see how their work might be relevant to yours…
  • Remember they’re just people too and really flattered that someone knows their work!
  • Never badmouth or personally criticize anyone at a conference/workshop as you don’t know who you’re speaking too, who’s listening or who your future supervisor might be! Keep an open mind about everyone you hear until you make your own judgement to navigate yourself through the murky waters of academic competition and politics
  • My favourite trick is to find the other shy young researchers/students and start talking to them… A smile and compliment does wonders! It’s even easier at any animal conference when everyone turns at the sound of a bird call!
  • Use social media to stay in contact and follow your new peers, friends or scientists
  • Back yourself up… No one will be as excited and knowledgeable about your work as you are… Passion, enthusiasm and excitement are attractive and contagious. We’re always too modest!
  • Don’t be afraid to get there early to wait, grab a great seat and be friendly when people join you! But don’t be offended when we’re all introverts and sit far away from each other
  • Take notes of the stories, new ideas, questions and people too, not just the conference talks!



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