Philip Koenig
G4 Living Lab
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2017

What is our view and mind set today ? How de we act, think and decide ? What does success feel, look and sound like ?

from silo … to synergy and systemic … via life long learning and collective intelligence

How do I think and act today ? What are my true intentions aligned on ?

> a bit silo, partial, fragmented, short sighted, materialistic, ego centric, individualistic … ?

> as synergetic, systemic, global, … meta integral … holistic … as possible ?

> as inclusive as possible ? I … you … us … us all … common greater good of the whole and the parts, … long, medium and short term …. philosophy, strategy and operational … win win win for all societal value chain stakeholders … symbolic, embodied spiritual and simple actions,

How can I individually and we collectively improve, learn, change, open up minds, eyes and hearts to new perspectives ?

Going back to our G4 believes and fundamentals : listen to ourselves, our dreams, our wishes as human beings for the one we care about … what we are proud of … acknowledging our talents, skills, … achievements … be present to Self, reconnect to nature …

This is what Otto Scharmer proposes: the U theory and Presencing is about shutting off our judgement, cynicism and fears voices to

  1. release our creativity, dreams and believes and
  2. access our own full potentials, inside, in order to be fully present with people planet prosperity potentials, outside, both in harmony and connected

We may dive deeper with Otto Scharmer …

How to cocreate the new new future ?

By the way, UNESCO also works on these type of project via Prof Poli from Trento University and invites G4 regularly … all we need is get societal stakeholders in a city / region to become engaged via our actions and initiatives, so they get involved by releasing time, people and funds to participate, contribute and learn , disseminate broadly knowledge in our organisations, public and private, as well as schools for all ages : www.projectanticipation.org

How to dive deep into the four levels and modes of listening ?

Another way to evolve is to move from ego to eco systems …

And finally, like G4 ‘s operational purpose, we now have recipies to change business, society and self, all 3 linked, intertwined, interconnected, interdependant, … if we want to we can … it takes time, there is no flip of a switch, it takes a lot of renewed redesigned education to quantum leap all together into the 21st c.

Which city / regions are ready and want to engage ?

G4 is testing and warming up with its strategic partners London and Quebec since 2013, Bruxelles since 2014, Bogota since 2016, Paris 2017 … recently first touch points with India and China, Lebanon and Tunisia, Akkra, Monterrey, …

Which natural leaders and decision makers will initiate the move in their turf , business, district, schools, family, …?

G4 is seeking teal leaders all over, across all sectors and continents… and engages mutually as strategic partners since 2013 …

We invite you to chime in and contribute consciously and concretely to the first human and humanizing global project: the SDGs or global goals and NDCs we have all co-signed to be reached by 2030 !

This project can only be brought to life and embodied locally, where we live and act, share and exchange, communicate and impact, by our presence and listening, our believes and values.

