Frequent Flyer Coffee

Ally Miller
Published in
1 min readNov 7, 2016

Frequent Flyer Coffee was designed for the busy professional with a favorite coffee shop that they regularly visit on the go. If you’ve ever thought, “I definitely have time to grab a quick coffee before I get to work. I know what I want and I’ll be in and out!” then been stuck in line behind the undecided customer that ultimately makes you late, you know how frustrating lines can be. Frequent Flyer Coffee provides the “Pre-Check” experience of skipping the line in coffee shop form so you can head right to your order, scan your code, and be on your way.

Frequent Flyer Coffee is the app that auto-schedules daily or weekly custom coffee pick ups. Once the user has set up their profile, they schedule their coffee orders for the week and pick up their order at the front of the line with their unique user name. No need to wait in line or check out with the cashier because you’ve already paid.

Check out the Frequent Flyer Coffee Prototype here



Ally Miller

UX Designer, social justice advocate, woodworker, maker of lovely things in general, television enthusiast, and lover of puns.