TripFolio: UX Deliverables

Kati Prather
Published in
2 min readNov 21, 2016

Below are two UX design deliverables from a fast-paced project in which we teamed up with Web Development Immersive students on a trip planning site. Being able to see our design efforts be put into action by an outside group was highly satisfying and got me excited for future collaborations.

First is a comp that was put together for one of the more complicated pages of the site, the Trip Builder page. This mockup was delivered with the intention and instruction to pull relevant elements off of this page for use in other portions of the site. With the short timeframe, this was a better option than attempting to spread attention to each portion of the TripFolio website. This was one of three comps created for this project.

TripFolio — Comps: Trip Builder Page

The second deliverable that would like to share is the Interaction Guidelines section of the style guide. This brought in all of the designed buttons and navigation bars to show the change in appearance for each status (i.e. selected, clicked, hover, inactive).

TripFolio — Style Guide: Interaction Guidelines

