Writing in/for Design

Evan Werdal
Published in
1 min readOct 31, 2016

“Should You Write as a Designer?” by Tobias van Schneider


I chose to post this article for a few reasons:

1. It’s especially timely given we just talked about the importance of writing in design/for designers approximately 11 minutes ago.

2. The author, Tobias van Shneider, is an influencer in the world of UX and design, in general. He was the Design Lead at Spotify but now does his own thing. I’ve subscribed to his newsletter — he puts out interesting stuff. The content on his blog, newsletter, etc. has already been a source of motivation and inspiration.

3. In the article, he lists different ways and app suggestions to help hone your writing chops, one of them being “Hemingway”, which I plan on downloading.

4. A lot of this class and UX as a discipline is about failure and the opportunity/ability to “fail fast”. I thought it was fitting that a very popular designer (73k followers) writing a widely-read post on the importance of writing, made a few spelling and grammatical errors. Even though English is his second language, he clearly puts himself out there for the sake of getting better.

