Opinion: Trump’s latest abortion ban proves that separation of church and state is a fallacy

Bianca Martinez
Gab, Garb and Glitz
2 min readJul 16, 2019

President Trump’s abortion referral ban, that is set to take effect immediately, is grossly unjust, inhumane and demonstrates that Trump clearly doesn’t understand the concept of separation of church and state that the founding fathers of the nation, that he now precedes over, implemented.

According to an Associated Press article, the Trump administration announced on June 15 that “tax-payer funded family planning clinics must stop referring women for abortions immediately… declaring it will begin enforcing a new regulation hailed by religious conservatives and denounced by medical organizations and women’s rights groups.”

Persons with ovaries should not be denied the right to healthcare just because it doesn’t cater to President Trump’s antiquated agenda.

People should not be forced to endure cruelty just so those who slurp down Trump’s “ideals” can sleep at night with their deranged belief that they won’t face their god’s wrath because they allowed a mere embryo to receive more importance than a completely functioning person capable of thought, feeling and who have a true concept of what death is.

There a multitude of reasons as to why an abortion is referred, such as pregnancy as the result of rape, the mother not being able to properly care for the child once it has been brought to term, was taking preventive measures, such as contraceptives, but proved ineffective, or the pregnancy has been deemed too dangerous to carry to full term.

Yet why are we allowing for this supported hate of women to continue to go on, why are the opinions of those who misinterpreted a book that was written a couple thousand years ago, allowed to take precedence over the welfare of an individual in need of medical attention?

Whatever happened to the separation of church and state? Why are we allowing the president of the United States to continue to allow a misconstrued understanding of christianity to reign supreme in his decisions about something as dire as healthcare?

I greatly doubt God, who loves his children, would be A-okay with a rape victim having to carry to term a baby that reminds them of the rape and the rapist, what father would ever want that for their child?

Religion, or dangerous takes on religion, have no place in establishing policies or especially healthcare regulations.

Whether you agree or not, abortion is healthcare, for both the person pregnant and the embryo.

Was anybody financially ready to buy and pay for a home, minivan, medical insurance and pay for their college intuition at the age of 19? No? Didn’t think so, neither does any young adult who was taking birth control but that one percent chance of pregnancy caught up to her.

Is anybody prepared to break the news to a person’s significant other that their partner and their baby both died in childbirth because she was denied an abortion? No?

Then definitely not a group of middle-aged religious fanatics with dried-up ovaries and testes, and no intention of adopting children in the foster care system, be allowed to have jurisdiction over the reproductive systems of others.



Bianca Martinez
Gab, Garb and Glitz

I am a CSULB graduate with a Bachelors in Journalism. I enjoy long scrolls on Tik Tok and writing about the "funner" side of life.