A Solstice Gift for You

Lee Welles
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2 min readDec 21, 2016

Today is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day and longest night in the Norther Hemisphere. I offered a simple, yet useful practice for our times. Check it out here if you missed it.

Now gather ‘round while I share the ancient story of the Oak King and the Holly King.

In many Celtic traditions, the Oak King and the Holly King are two powerful forces in constant struggle with each other. At the Winter Equinox, the Holly King is at his strongest. Winter is upon us.

The Holly King

But as the Wheel of the Year turns, the Oak King slowly begins to get the upper hand. The tide turns at the Spring Equinox. The Holly King, exhausted and diminished retreats to tend his wounds while the Oak King begins his reign anew.

The Oak King

The Oak King holds sway until the Summer Solstice, when the Holly King returns to begin wresting power back.

I think this is a lovely way to view the cycles of planting, harvest, fallowness and rebirth.

Thank you for following Gaia Minded. I’m still not super clear on what this will become; but I’m happily riding the waves of creation and the Wheel of the Year…seeing where Gaia takes me.

I wish you a Winter Season of joy and laughter (Two of my favorite things!)

Winter Solstice 2012 Addison, NY



Lee Welles

Lee Welles is the author of the award-winning Gaia Girls Book Series, an ex-three-term city councilman, and a music-playing, tap-dancin’ fool.