Go to Gaian Systems
Gaian Systems
What does it mean think like a living planet?
Note from the editor

Initiated in early 2019 by Bruce Clarke, then in residence as the Library of Congress Chair of Astrobiology, and David McConville and Dawn Danby of Spherical, Gaian Systems is a transdisciplinary research project to cultivate new forms and practices of planetary cognition. Working with collaborators on curation, research, and creation, our aim at Gaian Systems is to communicate humanity’s participation with and within Earth’s biotic and metabiotic processes. Inspired by Aldo Leopold’s appeal at mid-twentieth century to “think like a mountain,” Lynn Margulis’ affirmation of a symbiotic planet, and the iconic photographs of Earth from space, we’re exploring the central question:‍ What does it mean to think like a living planet?‍

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Cosmovision remediation and ontological repair services <> https://spherical.studio
Go to the profile of Bruno Clarke
Bruno Clarke
Bruno Clarke is the extracurricular handle of Bruce Clarke, Horn Distinguished Professor of Literature and Science in the Department of English at Texas Tech U.
Go to the profile of Bruno Clarke
Bruno Clarke
Bruno Clarke is the extracurricular handle of Bruce Clarke, Horn Distinguished Professor of Literature and Science in the Department of English at Texas Tech U.