7 Tips To Stay In The Present Moment

Ashley P
Gain Inspiration
Published in
4 min readMay 2, 2024

The Art of Slowing Down

Photo by Shashi Chaturvedula on Unsplash

I used to be a huge multi-tasker. I started so many things at once, endlessly trying to get them all done. My to-do list grew longer each and every day. I worked hard and worked a lot because that’s all I knew to do. The more I did, to more there was for me to do. I was tired and over it.

There’s so much to keep us all busy that slowing down has become a luxury. I personally believe that distractions are placed in front of us to stop us from being able to slow down and stop us from becoming intentional with our thoughts, words and how we create our lives. We are led to believe that we must have endless goals, always striving for more and that enough, is never enough.

I finally made up my mind that there had to be a better way to live. There had to be a way for me to enjoy life away from always having to do something. I was new on my spiritual path and began to ask for guidance on how to slow down and take things off of my plate. Once I asked for help, things began to shift.

Accomplishing small things doesn’t have to be complicated. In order to enjoy what we have and remain in the present, we literally have to intentionally do so. It takes practice. Here are a few things I did to help me slow down and remain in the present moment.

Stop Answering The Phone

  1. One of the first things I did was stop answering the phone every time it rang. For years, I felt obligated to answer the phone anytime it rang. I don’t know why but I did. When I stopped doing that one small act, it brought up a feeling of freedom and peace.

Get Off Of Social Media

2. I got off of social media. I deleted all of my accounts. Removing social media from my life has brought about a sense of peace and focus. Years ago I would wake up and check my notifications. That created a rushing feeling within me that set an off tone to my day. I was no longer consumed by information overload once I deleted social media . It was very freeing. I preserved my energy. I replaced my time on social media with writing, blogging and pinning on Pinterest. These are things I enjoy and enjoy helping others with at the same time.

Turn Off Email Notifications

3. I stopped checking emails every time they came it. I did this by turning off email notifications. I simply stopped. I allowed the email to sit until I was ready to check my inbox and give my attention to emails.

Focus On What You Enjoy

4. I started using my focus for things I enjoyed and really took them in. I began spending time walking slowly through my neighborhood. Observing the wonder of nature. I slowed down while I was cooking, instead of rushing to get it done because I had something else to move onto. I allowed myself to sit and just be.

Morning Gratitude

5. I begun waking up with gratitude every day. When I wake up in the morning I give thanks for anything I can think of. I give thanks for a healthy body, my family, my home, my thriving community, peace, good food, an abundant garden, my loved ones, life lessons. Whatever it is, I find a way to be thankful for it.

Quality Over Quantity

6. I started slowing down when I work and focused on quality over quantity. I used to rush through my work to get it done as fast as I could, so I’d be finished. Now I take my time with whatever work I’m doing at the moment. I still get my work done, but I do it with more ease and less anxiety.

Refocused Thoughts

7. I refocus my thoughts and don’t entertain thoughts that aren’t helpful to what I’m creating. If a thought comes into my mind that is an old belief, a distracting thought or simply something I don’t want to entertain at the moment, I either re-focus on what I’m doing, think about something else, or ignore the thought to stop it from growing. This has been monumental in helping me heal my mind and so many areas of my life.

These are just a few ways I’ve found that have helped me slow down and enjoy the present moment. I hope you’ve found these tips helpful.

Much abundance to you and yours,




Ashley P
Gain Inspiration

I share spiritual messages to help you through your spiritual awakening, healing and ascension. Spirituality changed my life and it will change yours too.