A curio shop in Rouen

ZD Finn
Gain Inspiration
Published in
1 min readAug 16, 2023


Life through the lens of Covid.

Photo by ZD Finn

Yesterday I found myself in a curio shop in Rouen
and the images keep returning unbidden.
Crystals nestled next to butterflies,
and carved roses reflected in polished glass.
The natural world captured and curated,
in natural and unnatural forms,
the outworking of an imagination at its finest.

Today, and for the last few weeks,
my inner life has been like that curio shop.
The familiar and the known nestling in a sea of emotion,
its tides rising and falling unbidden and I helpless to them.
Waves of pain and fear echoing through my soul-scape
reflecting images of Light and hope and healing,
the outworking of belief at its finest.

© ZD Finn 2023

Finn runs a healing and meditation practice in London, publishes her own inspired journals, and offers mentoring to those seeking to strengthen their own soul connection.




ZD Finn
Gain Inspiration

Author of ‘The Library of Lives,’ a series of inspired journals, healer, inspired speaker, mentor zdfinn.com