A Transformative Journey:

Parin Waljee
Gain Inspiration
Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2024

How Somatic Yoga Changed My Life


Beginning my path to somatic yoga was a life-changing experience, changing the way I knew and lived with my body. The transformative power of this holistic approach to yoga extends beyond physical flexibility. Explore the areas of self-awareness, stress relief, and deep personal growth.

Somatic yoga, with its focus on conscious movement and the integration of breath, opened the door to a deeper mind-body connection. Through slow, reflective sequences, I learned to truly listen to my body, release layers of anxiety, and understand the messages it was sending me. This new awareness became a guiding force in my daily life and emphasized the harmony between my mental and physical states to relieve chronic stress.

One of the most surprising changes was the ongoing resolution of a severe muscle spasm that had become an unwelcome companion in my life. The somatic yoga approach, thought reduction, and subsequent muscle release are powerful tools for reversing stress patterns. As the weeks went by, I felt better and less in constant pain.

The combination of breathing exercises with slow, conscious movements makes somatic yoga a haven for stress reduction. Work becomes a sanctuary where I can escape the demands of everyday life and immerse myself in a space of peace. Through breathing, I have developed strength beyond the mat and have the ability to face life’s challenges with better ideas.

As I continue to explore somatic yoga, its benefits extend beyond the physical realm. My flexibility and mobility have improved, not on discovery. Perhaps the most profound aspect of my somatic yoga journey has been the ongoing process of self-discovery. This practice encouraged me to explore the complexities of my own body and investigate not only physical patterns but also deeper emotional and psychological layers. This self-awareness was the catalyst for positive change, and I was able to make wise decisions that aligned with my true self.

Physical yoga is not just a series of movements. A lifestyle based on regular activities. Committing to consistent work has become a form of self-love, a dedicated space in which to invest my life. Each session provided an opportunity for self-examination, adjustment, and cultivation of my mental and physical well-being.

As I reflect on my journey with somatic yoga, I am filled with gratitude for the profound impact it has had on my life. From releasing physical stress to cultivating the mind and living in the present, this practice has become a leader. Somatic yoga is more than exercise. It was a holistic approach that touched every aspect of my life and changed my life in ways I never imagined.



Parin Waljee
Gain Inspiration

A certified counsellor and an accomplished Author, I'm looking forward to sharing my wealth of knowledge in diverse areas. I enjoy Golf, Ice skating and Nature.