
Kryssie's Place
Gain Inspiration
Published in
2 min readFeb 19, 2024


Photo by Matias Malka on Unsplash

Brings the whispers of the heart
Along the whisps and caress
Changes to the soul
Along the breezes
Passion igniting
Along the winds.

Air flows and conforms
Feeding the life force.

Gives of the elixir of the divine
In earthly form
Gives of the elixir of the heart
In cosmic form.

Breathe air into life
Breathe life into form
Air into dreams
Follow the wisps
Follow the winds
Through up to the playful stars.

Allow possibilities to ignite
Amongst the playful stars
Allow your heart to breathe
Full of the divine dream.

Open your mind
To the divine dream
Within your heart.

The air will carry your tendrils of dreams
Around the cosmos for all to see
And all will wonder at the marvels
You possess within.

Air will fuel your divine life
Forward and forever.

For you are the cosmos
You are the divine
You are the planet and the stars
You are divinity itself.

And your dreams are of star and heaven
Travelling the exquisite loop of eternity.

To you, my reader, I wish you all that you dream of — thank you for being here — Kryssie xoxo.

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Watch what pops out of my head by keeping me in a constant state of caffeinated hectic frenzy — coffee is greatly appreciated —

