An Abandonment of the Innocent

An orphan plight

Douglas Lim
Gain Inspiration
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2024


Many people, for many reasons, feel rootless — but orphans and abandoned or abused children have particular cause. — Christina Baker Kline

The whispers of
surging swift and high,
surrounded by an unruly fate —
and in the lonely night, I weep.

I cannot do it unaided (anymore);
let me hear a
sweet voice that comforts me.

And I hear past voices
once dead now revived,
merely a butterfly trapped in past lies —
and misery knee-deep.

The whispers of
surging swift and high,
surrounded by an unruly fate —
and in the lonely night, I weep.

tell me I am
enough as me —
not a ditched soul dirt cheap.



Douglas Lim
Gain Inspiration

Writer of faith, inspiration, poetry, and spirituality, a self-proclaimed therapist & philosopher. "Light tomorrow with today." —Elizabeth Barrett Browning