Bet on Life.

“If you don’t have a ticket, you don’t have a chance!”

Stacey-Ann Stewart
Gain Inspiration
1 min readApr 12, 2024


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Nothing is forever.

As a child, I was ridiculed and mocked every day—laughed at in church for wearing hand-me-downs from the donation boxes, teased in class for the scent of smoke clinging to my clothes from cooking on a wood fire, mocked by members of the community for walking barefoot to the shop.

I was called “one suit,” having only one pair of jeans.

Someday, was my favorite word.

I never knew the pain was only temporary.

But in my dreams, life was pain-free and beautifully amazing.

Whatever you are facing today will not be forever.

The Sun himself is weak when he first rises, and gathers strength and courage as the day gets on. Charles Dickens

Still, place that bet on life.

Because although you remain that hard lump unable to run through the sand sift, tossed aside, and frowned upon, you can still make it.

You have a place in the world; you just need to find it.

Be encouraged, be inspired!



Stacey-Ann Stewart
Gain Inspiration

Be encouraged, be inspired. || An introverted Jamaican in hiding.