
Gain Inspiration
Published in
May 11, 2024

“Has anything changed?”

They ask,

As if they are blind to all,

They don’t see those tears

That refuse to fall.

We have to be perfect,

For the world and for those,

Who set fire to our seas

and the wind that blows.

Doesn’t matter if we scream,

It doesn’t matter if we cry,

For them, we must change,

For them, we must lie.

Now the sea is gone,

So is the wind that made us fly,

Now they have the change,

Cuz’ for then we had to die.


Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash



Gain Inspiration

I am an Artist/Photographer and a Writer/Poet. A motivational speaker. Someone who lives to value life beyond boundaries.