Crush the Ego: Achieve True Freedom

Paweł Martwicki
Gain Inspiration
Published in
3 min readMay 6, 2023

I thought that Ego was only present in people who achieve great amounts of success, but I was sooo wrong. The Ego is what makes 99% of all people not achieve it. It blew my mind because every movie and every book showed only successful people as those with big-ass Egos.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

What is Ego?

Do you ever have those moments where you feel as if you have to outdo everyone else and prove your worth? That’s Ego. Although self-assurance is necessary, if you allow your Ego to become too large, it may hinder your success and damage your relationships. Therefore, it’s important to maintain it in check and prevent it from being over-inflated.

This is how Ego keeps people unsuccessful.

It’s stopping us from everything that drives real progress. Admitting our mistakes, being creative, and taking risks. ,, How can I be wrong?” , ,,How dare it be so hard for me??” Of course, there are other signs that are way more subtle than you think.

How Ego is Ruining Your Relationships

Sometimes we get so caught up in being right that we forget to listen to the other person’s point of view. Ego makes you don’t want to work with others and makes you not recognize what for example your team does. And when that happens, it can lead to some serious conflicts. Plus, it’s hard to connect with someone when all we’re focused on is defending our own opinions. And that kind of behavior will seriously damage a relationship over time.

Overcoming Ego

Here’s the thing — recognizing and handling our Ego is super important for growing both personally and professionally. It all starts with being aware of ourselves. We need to know when our Ego is taking control over us, then we will be able to counter it. As with every other disease Ego has symptoms:

  • getting defensive,
  • always needing praise,
  • not wanting to admit when we’re wrong,
  • thinking that we’re better than others,
  • being close to any sort of feedback,
  • not wanting to learn,

That are known symptoms to everyone, but REMEMBER EGO HAS ALWAYS SUBTLE SYMPTOMS. Everyone can have different ones. I for example tend to procrastinate, because why the hell should I, the greatest man on the planet work???

Cure for your Ego

It’s a disease known for many millennia, doctors around the world luckily found a cure for it. By being mindful and thinking about why we do what we do, can figure out how our Ego affects our choices. It’s not always easy to admit that we don’t know everything, but it can lead to some great things. When we’re humble, we’re more open to learning from others and appreciating their strengths. Plus, it can help us grow and develop both personally and professionally.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Letting Go

Letting go of our Ego is not easy, but it’s worth it. It’s a constant struggle because Ego is in our nature. We have to abandon things that we developed in ourselves over the course of thousands of years. We need to stop worrying about what other people may think. We need to admit that we may be wrong, we need to take risks. We have to accept our flaws. It takes time and effort, but it’s worth trying.

Finally, Freedom

When you no longer seek validation, you’re free to do whatever the hell you want, isn’t it the ultimate goal? Freedom?

Ego is a gigantic obstacle. It can affect our progress, damages our relationships, and limits our potential. However, if we acknowledge the negative impact of ego and make an effort to become more mindful and humble we can defeat it. Also, cultivate a mindset of continuous learning and improvement. By doing so, I can ansure you…

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

…you will win, in everything, no matter what.



Paweł Martwicki
Gain Inspiration

,,A professional can be recognized by the shavings he leaves behind"