Sujit Chakraborty
Gain Inspiration
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2023


Collage created by author.

Did You Know Whether Banana Brought Monkeys or Monkeys Brought Banana?


During those days I was living in Siliguri (A city in eastern part of India), which is actually an important gateway to many famous hill stations (e.g., Darjeeling, Gangtok, Kalimpong etc.) lying in Himalayan mountains. Sebak was a nearby location where I used to go in holidays. Altitude of the place is not so high, a calm and cool place with a temple of Goddess Kali (Hindu Godess)!

Apart from the temple, nature in surrounding was the main attraction for me. In front of the temple there goes a zigzag road as usually seen in hills or mountains. Beyond the zigzag road a deep gorge is visible with the river Tista flowing through it. Coronation bridge, a beautiful bridge on the river Tista was also visible there. All these points one can see in the collage attached with this story.

To reach the temple, one needs to climb some steps in the hill (as it is visible in the first pic of the collage here.) There in the woods and walls I used to observe that monkeys roam around in majestic style or wait for food. Well, there is nothing wrong for monkeys to roam around any Hindu pilgrimage site (as they are usually present in numbers).

Surprise was waiting elsewhere for me! One day I discovered some banana plants exists in the steep slope on mountain near river Tista. Needless to mention here nobody plants trees on mountains and it is a natural birth place for all saplings or forests as a whole.

Banana is the most common food for monkeys. A bubble evolved in my mind immediately which has been asking me a question since then. How these banana plants came here. Is it only because banana is the favorite food for monkeys roaming around that area! That bubble further asked one more vital question to me : Whether banana brought monkeys or monkeys brought banana here? Today, I have an opportunity to ask you the question, for which answer is still NOT known to me. Anyone who knows the answer, please feel free to reply here please!


