Do robots or artificial intelligence acquire a conscious mental state?

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Gain Inspiration
4 min readMay 14, 2023


For years, technology has developed constantly and immensely. From the first devices such as cellphones and computers with the simple benefits to today’s developed technology such as artificial intelligence. The main idea behind this technological development considers the effectiveness of our day-to-day tasks. However, technology itself has its pros and cons. What exactly is artificial intelligence? What is the difference between a robot and a human? Can a robot have mental states as we humans do? These questions will be discussed throughout this text, however, it is not my place to tell you what to think but it can help learn how to think and develop your own perspectives.

Concepts of intelligence and mental states.

There are many types of intelligence. This is where many of us forget their importance because, for example, we consider a person to be “smart” if they are academically intelligent. However, every person has different ways of learning and every form of intelligence requires different teachings. Intelligence is essentially the knowledge and information that is gathered into one’s mind. The ability to remember and use this knowledge to one’s advantage, in certain situations, that help develop a stronger foundation. As we grow older, we adapt to newer environments and levels of intelligence. It isn’t something to compare to, whether a child is less intelligent than an adult. You wouldn’t compare your first day at a new job to your coworker’s 100th day at that same job. There are always new things to learn and skills to develop, depending on each individual. As a child we are more hands-on in our learning, we copy and paste what we see and feel. As we grow older, we learn the skill to think for ourselves and cooperate in society. Every day, we master our own lives and decide what we want to learn and what we want to unlearn. If we consider academic intelligence, it is the ability to memorize organized ideas that are taught to us, preferably in a classroom or under a precise curriculum. Someone who doesn’t benefit from learning by notes, reading, and memorization might not be “academically intelligent” from the eyes of those who pass every classroom challenge with ease. We cannot compare an artist to a scientist. We cannot compare an individual to another, nor can we compare a human being to an animal or vice-versa. These concepts of intelligence and brief examples above are known to our human specie because we are part of it. What about an animal? A lion? A monkey? In their world, in their species, maybe they are considered individuals when they become an adult member of their specie. Their forms of intelligence could be entirely different than ours. Just like the intelligence of an artist or a scientist.

The Mind Project: Can a machine think?

The Mind Project is essentially a community of researchers who dive into the concepts of the mind. Precisely one topic; can a machine think? The theory discussed in this specific topic argues that mental states are based on the experiences and foundation of beliefs of an individual. In other words; functionalism. This goes back to our initial idea of intelligence and knowledge. What we know derives from our experiences and what we perceive. What we learn and what we decide to unlearn. If we, human beings, can acquire our knowledge, intelligence, and mental states through experiences and with time, can artificial intelligence do the same? Although AIs and robots are already built the way they should be, to their full potential? We, as human beings, need to grow and become our highest self to reach our full potential whereas artificial intelligence is built for the reason to already have that potential. It doesn’t require the same “growth” as natural beings. Therefore, the foundation of a human being and an artificial intelligence being begin with different foundations and potential. How can it possibly think or react the same way? What are mental states for AIs compared to mental states of human beings? Like a specie, the human beings intelligence cannot be compared to AI’s intelligence or potential. In addition, their “mental states” may not be what we think it is. Let’s dive in a little further.

The theory of the mind.

This theory essentially covers the functionalism that we mentioned earlier above. What we want to focus on and discuss is if it is applicable to artificial intelligence and what conclusions can we come with. This isn’t going to conclude with a simple yes or no answer to our questions, however, it helps you begin a foundation of ways of thinking and developing your own response. If the functionalist theory of the mind argues that it brings awareness to our emotions, feelings, towards certain situations and experiences we encounter, this develops our minds to critical thinking. Logic over emotion. That is part of our growth as a human being, among many other things. In the case of artificial intelligence, as much as we know and are aware of, they are programmed to be at a certain level of knowledge and useful to our society. It is programmed to be intelligent or good at something because we programmed it to do so. Just like a scientist, it will program itself in the learning of science and will become knowledgeable in that field. Same with the artist, an astronaut. If artificial intelligence is programmed to be a critical thinker and emotional being such as ourselves, it will do so. In that case, it may have acquired, what we define, as a mental state. It now has its own thinking and emotions. Therefore, can align experiences with knowledge as we humans do. It can either be fascinating or terrifying. There are so many factors and many results that can come into play.

What do you think? Can artificial intelligence replace some of us, does it acquire mental states? How far would you agree or disagree?

