Embracing Nature:

Parin Waljee
Gain Inspiration
Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2023

A Deeper Connection to the Real World

Photo by marina on Unsplash

For many people, nature is a way of life, a beautiful landscape or a place of relaxation. To me it is more than that. It is a deep connection that connects with the fabric of my body.

From big cities to quiet forests, my connection with nature began when I was a child and walking in my park or planting seeds in my garden. That experience lit a fire in me. It's amazing how complex the world dances in the desert.

The beauty of nature is not only in its beauty but also in its characteristics. The leaves rustling, the sound of the waves, the birds chirping - all these are songs that resonate in my soul. Every experience in nature is like a conversation, a conversation in which I am both a listener and a participant. The forest has become my sanctuary where I shake off the noise of the world and settle into the quiet voice of the trees. In them, I found lessons about resilience, adaptability, and connection. Tall trees taught me patience as they grow and change with the seasons, and flowing streams whispered stories of perseverance and adaptation.

But our relationship with nature is more than incredible. It is an understanding, a promise, of a delicate balance between human life and nature. I strive to be a guardian, an advocate for care and companionship, rather than a bystander.

In times of joy or confusion, nature has always been my friend, a source of inspiration, healing and meditation. Its vastness puts life into perspective and reminds me of my place in this complex web of life.

Whether it's watching the sunrise paint the sky golden or feeling the soil between your toes as you plant new life, every encounter with nature reminds you of our relationship.

As the world changes, so does my relationship with nature. An ever-growing bond that enriches my life and shapes my values, vision and actions.

In the poem of life, nature is always a beautiful song. It constantly reminds us of the beauty, wonder and wisdom that surrounds us, asking us to take an active role in protecting nature rather than just observing.



Parin Waljee
Gain Inspiration

A certified counsellor and an accomplished Author, I'm looking forward to sharing my wealth of knowledge in diverse areas. I enjoy Golf, Ice skating and Nature.