Empathy in Sobriety: Understanding Others on the Journey of Recovery

Micheal Preble
Gain Inspiration
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2023


Micheal Preble March 8, 2023

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Sharing my triumph over alcohol has been essential to my recovery journey. But lately, I’ve noticed that some people seem uncomfortable or judgmental when discussing my sobriety. It’s discouraging to feel like my success is causing others to feel negative.

I’ve come to realize that not everyone understands addiction and recovery. Some people may struggle with substance abuse or don’t know how to react to my sobriety. Whatever the reason, I need to remember that my sobriety is something to be proud of, and I should never feel ashamed or guilty for celebrating it.

Sobriety has been such an incredible journey for me, and it’s not just about abstaining from alcohol. It’s also taught me to be more empathetic and understanding of others. I’ve realized that everyone has struggles, and discussing personal issues with others is not always easy.

Understanding this has helped me to approach conversations about my sobriety in a more compassionate and understanding way. Instead of feeling judged or uncomfortable when people don’t know how to react to my sobriety, I approach the situation with kindness and understanding.

Being empathetic towards others has also helped me to stay connected to my journey in sobriety. It’s a reminder that we’re all in this together and can learn from each other’s experiences.

To deal with the discomfort of others, I’ve found that it’s helpful to speak with a counselor or trusted friend who can provide me with the support and encouragement I need. I’ve also joined a support group and recovery community to connect with others who understand what I’ve been through.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Being part of a group has been so valuable for me. I’ve met so many amazing people who have been through similar experiences and can offer me invaluable insight and advice on navigating the challenges of recovery. Plus, having a group of people to hang out with and have a good time is fun!

It’s essential to remember that my journey with sobriety is my own, and I shouldn’t let the judgment of others bring me down. I’m proud of my progress and deserve to celebrate my sobriety without feeling guilty or ashamed. If you’re struggling with addiction, remember you’re not alone, and asking for help is okay. Sobriety is a journey; focusing on your goals and moving toward a healthier, happier life is essential.

Hey there, you cool cats! 😸

Just a quick heads-up: This article was crafted with a li’l help from my AI buddy, ChatGPT. We teamed up like PB&J, but I made sure my prompts were super detailed. 😉

Happy reading! 📖✌️



Micheal Preble
Gain Inspiration

I'm a father, husband, painter, writer, veteran and dog owner who loves to travel! Bringing a unique perspectives to the crypto community.