Examining Empathy Escaping Apathy

Exploring the Heart’s Compassion and Breaking Free from Stagnation.

Sam David Parker🌸
Gain Inspiration
3 min readOct 18, 2023


The old man is gone

I hope he’s drifting out to sea

He always loved to swim away

First the bottle, then the drugs, then the apathy

Maybe he’ll find an island with a sycamore-shaded tree

Just like the one in our yard

Just like when it was him and me

— “Out to Sea” by Fit for an Autopsy

Beneath the cloudy skies of sunset, someone welcomes the sea with open arms.
Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Turing up and tuning in to others

Empathy helps me become more attuned to others’ emotional states, aiding in recognizing potential inconsistencies in what someone is saying about their feelings.

However, detecting whether someone is lying about their feelings is complex and challenging.

So, an empath can tell if someone is not fully disclosing their feelings because of social norms, privacy, or fear of judgment.

Use it or lose it

It’s a fundamental human capacity and a valuable emotional and social skill. It’s a gift you already have. If not, with effort you can get it back.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share feelings. It is crucial in building meaningful relationships, fostering compassion, and promoting understanding between individuals, and with yourself.

It’s a risky biscuit!

Detecting lies about feelings is a challenging task, and it often requires a combination of empathy, careful observation, and an understanding of individual differences and contextual factors.

In situations where trust and honesty are crucial, it is helpful to engage in open and honest communication and, get guidance of professionals trained in areas like psychology and counseling.

Our boundaries give us a facade to rest behind

Empathy for yourself can help you recognize when you’re not fully disclosing your feelings. People often withhold or modify their emotional expressions for distinct reasons, and an empathetic person may notice subtle cues that suggest the underlying motives.

We respect boundaries and emotions by approaching with understanding and sensitivity.

Empathy creates a supportive and safe space for us to express our feelings when ready. It’s about fine tuning to emotional needs, showing understanding and patience, allowing us to share emotions at one’s own pace, and fostering trust and open communication in relationships.

How does a person become an empath?

Is it one of those things that “if you have to ask, it means you ain’t?”

Not at all! Becoming more empathetic is a personal development journey, not a matter of having it. While some individuals may naturally possess higher levels of empathy, it’s a skill that one can cultivate and enhance through self-awareness and practice.

Empathy is a skill that one who desires to, can continually develop, and refine. It’s not an all-or-nothing quality.

Some people naturally excel in this area, while others need intentional practice.

It’s never too late to become your own empath.

Picture of him who went out to sea, and was ejected.
Selfie recognized from profile

Sam is a retired drug counselor & keeps his Texas license current. An MA from UTA, he writes about addiction to substances, behaviors, and thistles of the soul.



Sam David Parker🌸
Gain Inspiration

I write about addiction to substances, behaviors, and thistles of the soul. Human rights are God given rights.