Failure is impossible?

[old account]
Gain Inspiration
2 min readFeb 16, 2022


Failure is processed by the brain as negative. Failing doesn’t mean the end and certainly does not mean ‘bad’. When you fail a test, you don’t fail at life or the entire year. You simply fail that one test. Even if you fail school, there are always other options. It’ll put you on your path and you’ll find a way if you really want to. Things happen, mostly happen for a reason. If you fail that job interview, you’ll find another job. Maybe you’ll like it better. Or maybe you won’t find a job at all, you’ll find something better. Maybe you’ll let that go and decide to go towards entrepreneurship. Build your own business, being your own boss, making ten times more than if you were accepted into that first job after the interview. You wouldn’t have had open opportunities or new lessons. Failure isn’t negative. It may be in that moment, but you get over it. You find another way to approach what it is you want. Failure brings lessons, and better perspectives, and makes you stronger.

I fully understand, no one wants to fail. Everyone wants to succeed right away. But life isn’t fair and easy for anyone. You can’t always get higher highs than your lowest lows. If you want to succeed, it takes a lot. It takes good days and even bad days, failure and starting over is a huge possibilities. Maybe even certain. It does ‘suck’ and you feel bad, and you want to give up, etc. But once you fail, you know what not to do. Therefore, bringing you different perspectives and lessons learned. Most successful people have the most failures in their careers. It all comes down to yin and yang. Success may be the dream, but there’s always failure that comes along with it. As no one wants failure, yet there’s light at the end of the tunnel. That will bring you to the goal you have in mind. Succeed.

This is why the title of this article brings you to question it. Why would failure be impossible? Nothing is impossible, everything is possible. To the best of your dreams, to even the worst you can imagine. Yet, failure is impossible. No matter how deep in trouble you get yourself into, there’s always a way out. You just need to have that mindset and know yourself. Be aware of life, don’t just exist. In this case, you will never think of failure as a possibility. Failure is impossible because it brings you to another way of success, lessons, etc. Therefore, failure is possible. So is success. And it is most certainly guaranteed.

