Fresh Spirit

Healing Rest

Krys Key
Gain Inspiration
2 min readApr 18, 2024


Apricot-coloured flower bud illuminated in sunlight.
Flower bud illuminated in sunlight — Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Dark veil of the night has lifted
Eyes are weary and dry
But awakening to the rising light.

Dawn of a new day
Release of renewed spirit
Darkness of the night has left.

Sun and moon
Share the same sky
For a brief moment.

Soul is revived with bird song
With light blue sky
Fresh air breezes whisper to the soul
And uplift the heavy mind.

The dark thoughts of the dark hours
No longer seem true
When illuminated by morning light.

A fresh new moment in time
Has begun
To put the darkness of the past behind.

Time to rest with comforted spirit and mind
Time to rest and heal
For it is a new chapter
In space and time.

Allow the darkness to slip away fully
Shed the darkness
Like a winter coat in spring
Allow the darkness to fall away
For it is a new day for fresh hope
And renewed imagination.

Soul draws comfort
From the easing of dark thoughts
To renewed hope
And a stirring of
Fresh new beginnings
To come.

A moment to rest and heal
To allow the soul and spirit to transition
Into the new energies
Becoming abundant.

Weary body feels lightened
Heart is lifting.

Joy for the fresh new moment
Gratitude for the fresh new day
Is seeping in.

Finally the darkness can be left
Walk into the new sunlit day.

Time to take a moment
To view the world around
In new rays of warming light.

To you, my reader, I wish you all that you dream of — thank you for being here — Kryssie xoxo.

If you would like to support me further, I love coffee!

