Handling Embarrassment in Public: Navigating Awkward Moments

Parin Waljee
Gain Inspiration
Published in
2 min readDec 27, 2023

Embarrassing moments in public are part of life's unpredictable script. Whether it's a slip of the tongue or an unexpected accident, these situations can leave you exposed, and that's not a good thing. Below is a guide on how to properly manage and control these situations.

Keep calm and breathe
It's natural to feel embarrassed or sad in the heat of the moment. Take a deep breath and calm down before you react. Keeping calm can prevent a bad mood.

Humour as a shield
Sometimes, humour can be a powerful tool. When appropriate, talking lightly and jokingly about the situation can help ease anxiety and keep everyone out of trouble.

Shift your focus elsewhere
Quickly divert the conversation or attention from an embarrassing event. Switching to a different project or involving different people in a new role can change your approach.

Be confident, even if you feel shy. Accept the situation with grace and show that you are strong. Confidence often helps to get rid of the problem.

Complete it individually
If you feel shy around someone close, consider taking matters into your own hands. By gently pointing out the impact of your behaviour, you can increase awareness and prevent future situations.

Learn from experience
Every embarrassing moment is a learning opportunity. Think about what happened and how you will deal with similar situations in the future. Use this as an opportunity to get stronger and wiser.

Don’t think about it alone
It’s easy to replay embarrassing moments in your mind, but reliving them can be painful. Accept what happened, learn from it, and know how to let it go.

Seek support
Talking about the experience with a trusted friend or family member can provide perspective and comfort. They may share their own embarrassing stories to help you feel less alone.

Remember, you are not alone
Everyone has embarrassing moments. Knowing this can help resolve the situation and ease feelings of loneliness.

Learn to love yourself
Be kind to yourself. In these times, it’s important to embrace self-love. Be as kind and understanding as you would be to a friend in a similar situation.

Navigating embarrassment in public can be challenging, but it’s also an opportunity for growth. By handling these situations with grace, humour, and confidence, you can emerge stronger and more resilient. Embrace these moments as part of the human experience, learning and growing from each one.



Parin Waljee
Gain Inspiration

A certified counsellor and an accomplished Author, I'm looking forward to sharing my wealth of knowledge in diverse areas. I enjoy Golf, Ice skating and Nature.