Heaven's Door

L. Jean Davis
Gain Inspiration
Published in
3 min readMar 28, 2023


Come up, I heard him say!

Photo by visualsofdana on Unsplash

My eyes were opened, and I saw rays of light pulling on me. There was an opening in the clouds that went into the heavens. It was so peaceful and glorious, and I wanted to go.

I heard a loud voice as a trumpet said, "Come up here."

I started floating toward the heavens, looking down and seeing everyone praying for me.

Photo by Adrianna geo on Unsplash

There were family members, friends, and prayer groups around the world. When I reached the top, I heard a voice ask me if I was ready for eternal life with the Lord. I was just so tired, knowing my work for the Lord was finished.

"Yes, I want to see my Jesus."

Suddenly I was in another dimension. When I got to the top, I saw my relatives. There was mom and dad, my grandparents, and some of my friends that had already gone.

Photo by Timon Studler on Unsplash

We started walking the streets of gold. I knew we were at the new Jerusalem when we reached the end. There were three gates on each wall. They were made of pearl. The city's…



L. Jean Davis
Gain Inspiration

Life can be messy, and I write about it. Travel, history, and life are my genres. Come travel with me as we learn history. https://5grandkids1great.substack.com