
“He changes time and seasons!”

Stacey-Ann Stewart
Gain Inspiration
1 min readApr 30, 2024


On days tinged with homesickness, when the chill of longing lingers, heaven was discovered, strolling through the park.

There, peace was found. A sense of calm engulfs me, and time slows down.

Despite the fading hues of a sunset sky, you will find solace that transcends distance. Even with the changing colors in the evening, beauty is all around.

Suppose you find yourself in a moment that seems like the rugged streets of New York—rutty, a road in despair.

Know that it is a time for you to pause and seek solace in the little things. Whether it’s the warmth of a cup of tea on a frosty evening or the laughter shared with a cherished friend.

Slowing down can be the most beautiful thing for your mind and body.

“Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” Mark 6:31

Remember to pause.

Embrace the fleeting beauty of a sunset, the gentle caress of an evening breeze, and the quiet moments that anchor us to the present.

Be encouraged, be inspired!



Stacey-Ann Stewart
Gain Inspiration

Be encouraged, be inspired. || An introverted Jamaican in hiding.