How to avoid burnout: 7 types of rest to keep in practice.

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Gain Inspiration
3 min readMay 24, 2023


Burnout is a common effect, state of exhaustion or stress that is not taken care of for longer periods of time due to overworking ourselves or simply not knowing how to rest properly. Here is a quick guide to keep in mind of ways to rest properly and avoid burnout: physical rest, mental rest, social rest, spiritual rest, sensory rest, emotional rest, and creative rest.

Physical Rest.

Physical rest can be as simple as getting enough hours of sleep per night. Lack of sleep on a longer period of time drains as much energy. Your body needs rest to reset. Don’t think taking breaks is “for the weak”. Passive physical rest requires enough hours of sleep or power naps if needed. Active physical rest requires movement such as stretching, yoga or massages.

Have you ever felt tiered even though you have a good passive and active physical rest schedule? Even if you sleep enough hours per night? It is because you lack routine in the other types of rest, this only covers the physical aspect.

Mental Rest.

Lack of mental rest can lead to overthinking, over stressing, and brain fog (lack of clarity).

Mental rest can consist of writing down lists or to-dos, which can help organize your ideas and less holding onto mental checklists in your mind. Lists or checklists for groceries, shopping, hobbies, plans, etc. These lists can help you have a visual of your ideas, organized, giving a break to your mind to try and remember everything at once.

Meditation is well-known to help take a break from problem-solving and becomes a good way to detach yourself or detox from stress and habits. Find a balance between yourself and work life. Meditation practiced regularly can also bring clarity and mental breaks from any life situation.

Social Rest.

Re-evaluate your environments and relationships.

Spend time with people you feel safer with, those you give you energy. Spend less time with people who steal you energy, when you need to “re-charge your social battery”.

If you’re more introverted, take more time for yourself. Take time to make plans with people who give energy as much as you spend time with yourself.

Spiritual Rest.

Be part from something big. Challenge yourself. Whether it’s volunteering, helping others, work a job or start a business that feels purpose-driven. Try to reach every potential you can imagine. Participate in activities and surround yourself with people who share same faith, like-minded people.

This helps rest your spirit on workloads, you’re driven by passion and faith rather than scheduled work.

Sensory Rest.

Sensory rest should be as often as any type of rest. It is common for modern individuals to be overstimulated. Detox is key.

Take breaks from social media, turn your phone off when you don’t need it. Keep your focus in check. Limit screen time for any reasons; phone, computer, etc. Play instrumental music and be outside. You will learn a lot from natural dopamine rather than overstimulated with artificial dopamine we are surround with on the daily.

Emotional Rest.

Lack of emotional rest and keeping things to yourself, not being authentic, can drain energy just as much long term and short term. Someone who works in retail must keep a certain welcoming personality. You are a certain way around certain people, family, friends, public, as well.

Make sure to take the time to talk to someone, about your day-to-day, how you are feeling, your thoughts. Writing it down helps just as much. Anything for a proper reset is considered rest. Spend time with people you can be completely yourself, feel more free and safe.

Creative Rest.

Although lists, routines, and schedules might make you feel organized and less stressed, take the time to be creative. Appreciate going with the flow.

Natural creative rest: Take a walk in sunrise or sunset, enjoy the simplicity and flow of nature.

Human-created creative rest: Visit a museum, spike some new ideas or appreciation, read more books, paint or draw, watch documentaries.

Be productive in your creativity, go with the flow and see where you end up or come up with.

With these 7 types of rest, burnout can be avoided and you might find new hobbies or interests while doing so. Hope this helps!

