How to forget past bad memories…

Bad memories can be triggered again and again 👀🤔

Gain Inspiration
2 min readMar 3, 2023


Photo by Lucian Andrei on Unsplash

Even though we are busy in day-to-day life but still suddenly remember past memories which will disturb our mental health.

Our minds are struck by many things. Few things to control it: -

  1. Don’t get Panic:

Please don’t get panic, No need to feel tense, because you are not the same person that you were in those days, now you are strong and mature to tackle the situation.

2. Don’t feel sad but feel happy:

No need to feel sad but you are not responsible for that situation, Feel happy, Laugh, that is your past, and live in your present.

3. Don’t do the same mistake again:

Sometimes you may need to face the same situation as a relationship or job failure, your mind is the first thing it signals you, Listen to your mind, Learn from the mistakes, and face the challenge.

4. Don’t be in the Past, live in your present:

Please remember time will heal everything, Think about the future, Just think of your family, Move a step forward, Engage in new work, Move to a new place, and continue your career.

5. Dont overthink:

Why do we need to think again and again same things, that will disturb our minds? If we think too much and feel sad, we cannot go to the past and make things correct, It happened in your life, and No one can change the past.

“Bad memories are like splinters. Sometimes painful, but you learn to live with them. The problem is, they always work their way to the surface eventually.

[the Rev. Jack Brooks]”
C.J. Tudor, The Burning Girls

Originally published in the given link here.

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Gain Inspiration

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