Is Motivation Enough ?

Gain Inspiration
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2023

What keeps us going? How do we sow the seeds of determination and never dying efforts towards what we want? Is "wanting" even enough of a motivation? What kind of motivation will suffice for us to keep making constant efforts towards something?

Work hard and you will achieve it, is a prevalent saying we all might have heard at some point in our lives. The one with the never dying attitude is always said to gain a pedestal above all. The one who keeps trying without expectations is always said to reach the top. But what is the secret recipe for such a dedication? Can we achieve anything with this recipe?

It all starts with what we think is worth putting our efforts into. It can be that we feel we lack in that area or we think we can flourish more in that area or simply a passion. So we start going behind it, but how far we go to work on it depends on the extent of our will and the sort of DISCIPLINE we are ready to implement in our lives.

With so many writers who advise "Just write", I trust this advice not because "just writing" produces masterpieces but because it creates discipline. Discipline which will push us to make constant efforts even on days when we don't feel like it. That helps us to keep our momentary sour emotions and efforts towards something separate. That helps us to not be guilty of not trying enough later on.

What role does our passion/ motivation play then? Discipline is like a vehicle fuelled by our passion/ motivation. If there is no fuel or the wrong fuel, then the disciples might not work either. Our motivation can be anything, be it showing disciples towards our job, because we are motivated to pay our bills or simply for enjoyment. The driving force behind our discipline is equally important.

“Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day lead to great achievements gained slowly over time.” – John C. Maxwell



Gain Inspiration

Hi, I'm an aspiring writer who enjoys expressing myself through writing. Strengthening my imaginations through the power of words.