Medium author spotlight. Kimmy Foulds.

Alexander Semenyuk
Gain Inspiration
Published in
1 min readJan 25, 2023


Hi friends,

Second Medium author spotlight this week will be on Kimmy Foulds, founder of Sunrise2Sunset Counseling.

I connected with Kimmy in the first few month on Medium and have been constantly reading her blog, also being fortunate to always receive her support.

Kimmy is an accomplished published writer who believes in importance of education and learning new knowledge. Her blog will aid and help others to grow in the midst of challenges and make progress in various areas such as honesty, courage, integrity, dignity, positive attitude.

When I receive an email about a new blog from her, upon opening I immediately can see the distinct style each time, there is no mistaking it. There is good energy attached to her posts. Images are always pleasant on the eyes and calming, the writing is deep and soft, easing the reader towards a solution, or a state of relaxation.

I really enjoy this blog and hope you will also. Without me saying more…check it out yourself and find out the rest!


