Multitasking =/ Productivity.

‘Short Shower Thoughts’ series: Episode 4.

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Gain Inspiration
1 min readJul 4, 2023


Multitasking is the concept of wanting or trying to complete several different tasks, jobs, chores that need to be done, at once. Most people would believe that multitasking makes you complete just as much in less time, meaning saving time and being more productive with the rest of it. However, not entirely.

Although it saves you time in that moment, multitasking divides your focus and efforts in shorter portions per task which you will need to review again. Therefore, taking just as much time. When you complete one task at a time, you are able to focus 100% of the time and get it done properly the first time. The real productive method is prioritizing and organizing your time for each task. Not multitasking. Some may multitask for certain tasks, and be successful with their methods. It does not mean it works for everyone. Another example; there are different methods for studying, some more talked about than others. It does not mean it works for everyone. Try and fail. Find what works for you.

