My advice in turbulent times? Stay focused!

“Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive.” Matt Cameron

Jose R Paz C
Gain Inspiration
3 min readFeb 23, 2024


Photo by Manish Upadhyay on Unsplash

Do we need a fact-checking exercise to prove we live in turbulent times? I hope not, so I will next tell you, based on my experience, why staying focused has helped me navigate during difficult times.

We usually follow plans, goals, and targets as if the essence of our lives could depend on our will, and what is needed to reach those goals is hard work, determination, and patience. But most of our lives happen in a continuously changing environment where our degree of freedom is limited to a few, and sometimes, frivolous, set of actions with little or no relevant effect on those things that matter to most of us.

1. Priorities change during our lives

In my prior article, I discussed the need to define the cornerstones and the purpose of our lives. This is a search that never ends because as you age and achieve milestones, your priorities change.

In the 30s and mid-40s, children and career development take up most of our energy. In the late 40s and early 50s, attention should be given to the formal education of teenagers. Being a teacher has become unrecognized. Young people don’t see the need to do research in written press and books. They use the internet instead without realizing the risk that comes with this option.

During our 60s, as children become independent and move out to meet their needs, we start gaining time to reflect on the essence of our lives. And this offers us the first opportunity to concentrate on other subjects equally relevant to our lives. Political, socioeconomic, and environmental issues usually become the objects of study and reflection.

2. The secret to reaching important goals resides in being coherent from beginning to end.

Any issue we decide to focus on deserves hours of dedication: study, research, meetings with peers, and people with knowledge or experience.

I usually write notes or summaries of my research on the different subjects and then go through a questions and answers cycle to clarify any doubts I still have.

Another thing I check is how coherent my understanding of the subject is. A good practice is to share your findings with family and friends with the same interests and listen to their comments.

By avoiding distractions and focusing on a few relevant goals, we’ll increase our motivation and the effectiveness of our actions.

3. Only positive and relevant goals make a real difference.

One soon realizes that the longer the number of subjects we’d like to get a deep level of comprehension, the more time and energy-consuming the exercises become, so focusing on things that matter most is the right thing to do.

Some trends are bothersome, but one can only get involved in some of them. We decide on the few that fit most with our preferences, knowledge, and experience.

On the other hand, remaining positive in the outcome of the challenge one has chosen makes a difference in our well-being. A subject where we contribute with little or no experience makes the task less enjoyable.



Jose R Paz C
Gain Inspiration

I write about my views, experience, and lessons learned. I've worked in the USA and Venezuela and mentored and coached entrepreneurs in Venezuela, Peru, & Chile