Nature’s Tiny Teachers: Lessons From Squirrels

Shubha Apte
Gain Inspiration
Published in
2 min readAug 5, 2024
Image by the author

Have you ever wondered what lessons nature might hold for us?

We can learn a lot from these pesky, bushy-tailed rodents.

Last week, my husband, son, daughter-in-law, and I went for a leisurely lunch at an open-air restaurant. Since we chose to sit at a table close to a huge banyan tree, we experienced a very heartwarming incident.

Our table was positioned below the swarming branches of this grand tree.

While enjoying our meal, we were drawn to a group of squirrels zipping up and down the branches.

Intrigued, we watched as one squirrel approached where my son was seated. My son loves animals, and he immediately took some nuts in his palm and extended them toward the squirrel.

Without waiting a moment, the squirrel perched on my son’s outstretched palm, snatched one peanut and quickly disappeared among the branches.

Spreading the news-squirrel communication

What unfolded next was genuinely heartwarming.

The squirrel that took the peanut and disappeared in the branches must have spread the news. One by one, other squirrels started approaching, each taking only a single peanut.

After feeding the first squirrel, my son purposely left a few peanuts in a small bowl beside the trunk.

The second squirrel squinted at my son, almost as if to say that the first squirrel was offered a peanut from his hand, and now it wasn’t allowed for us.

We had a hearty laugh!!

Order in the animal kingdom

What was amazing about this whole incident was the squirrels’ human-like sense of order. They took turns collecting peanuts. The first squirrel probably informed all its companions of the unexpected bounty. They have an established communication network.

Witnessing this display of cooperation and camaraderie among these small creatures was a humbling experience.

We rarely witness this sense of community and shared purpose in this world.

It was a reminder that even in the smallest creatures, the capacity for kindness and cooperation can flourish.

Lessons from the Wild

This chance encounter offered invaluable lessons.

The squirrels taught us the importance of sharing, cooperation, trust, and a sense of community.

Drawing inspiration from the wild

As we left the restaurant, we wondered: What if we humans could draw inspiration from these tiny creatures?

Could we rediscover the joy of sharing, the strength of unity, and the beauty of simple acts of kindness? The next time we face challenges, we should look to these tiny creatures for guidance.

“Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful, and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to”. — Alfred A. Montapert.



Shubha Apte
Gain Inspiration

A self-improvement advocate, my journey unfolds through , travel, and life experiences, and insights gained navigating the corporate world.