Permission Slip

Gain Inspiration
Published in
Feb 1, 2024


A Poem

Photo by Valerie Elash on Unsplash

This is your permission slip,
To feel what you feel,
Say what you say,
In a safe place,
Honor yourself,
Don’t let your light be taken away.

Give yourself permission to shine,
No matter your age,
When it’s your time, it’s your time,
Be confident in your body,
Be present in your mind,
Be complete in your soul.

This is your go ahead to write your own permission slip,
What do you need?
What do you want?
What do you believe about yourself?
Give yourself permission to be wrong,
To be wrong about certain beliefs.

You are not a failure,
You are not alone,
You can get through it,
It can be done,
Permission to give,
Permission to receive.

To change your mindset and beliefs,
Permission to be you,
All of you,
Permission to not need permission,
To be anyone else,
But you.



Gain Inspiration

‘Variety is the spice of life’ Lover of quotes and quiet time! Please feel free to support my writing here