Please help children fight cancer

Alexander Semenyuk
Gain Inspiration
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2023


Hi friends,

I never talk about my donations, but this is an important exception. I have been part of helping St. Jude since 2016. I’ve followed them closely and what they do for children is amazing. My heart breaks when I see the little ones in so much pain, with their families unable to pay.

With this said, I have registered for St. Jude run in DC this year and have set up and fundraising goal of at least 1000$. Let me tell you what 1000$ can do as an example.

The suggested goal of $1000 could help provide 3 chest X-Rays and 3 spinal taps for 3 St. Jude patients. That means you’ll be directly helping 3 little kids in the fight for life.

This bring tears to my eyes every time, just thinking about their battle. I myself, as an adult, have gone through a tough time like this, as well as my grandma, God bless her soul. Hard to think about little kids going through the same thing.

Below is my link for donations. St. Jude’s goal is to make sure that families that have no money don’t have to pay anything for this life saving treatment. St. Jude has some of the highest survival rates in the world out of all similar places. They are doing an amazing job.

Anything you can give is great help.

