Realigning with the Source

Priya Mishra
Gain Inspiration
Published in
5 min readJan 15, 2023
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

The universe, also referred to as God, Spirit, or Higher Power, is the source of our being. Even though we are having a human existence in this physical body, we can never be separated from source, and we all have a nonphysical presence beyond our visible world that we can tap into to create the life we want, heal our minds and bodies, seek guidance, and attract all the good things into our lives. All of our desires should be easily fulfilled, but they are not because we have become misaligned with the source over time.

What causes us to be out of alignment with the universe, and how do we know?

When we are so focused on what is going on in the physical realm and in human life that we become engrossed in the drama and forget the truth of who we are, we fall out of alignment. We can recognize our misalignment by recognizing the below signs:

We become overwhelmed with negative thinking;

We try to exert control over our lives and situations;

We deny the presence of a higher power, and we feel abandoned;

We become resentful and low-vibration energy surrounds us;

Fear takes over, and sometimes we become physically ill as a result.

We lose sight of the big picture.

What methods can we use to reconnect with the source?

When we work in alignment with the universe, we invite love, good things, and healing into our lives and every moment of every day becomes magical and joyous adventure. We can tell if we are in alignment by the following signs:

We feel happy and inspired even when things are little challenging;

We are hopeful and have a positive outlook on life;

We become a magnet for good things and healthy relationships;

Our creativity flows through us easily and effortlessly, and we are in a free-flowing state;

We feel supported by our surroundings;

Everything seems to be working out, and we can easily attract whatever is for our greatest good.

Are you ready to live in harmony with your purpose and the universe? Here’s how it’s done:

Acknowledge and ask for alignment:

When we are out of alignment, we can simply pray and express our desire to realign with universal power. When we pray, we are signaling to the universe that we believe in a power greater than ourselves and that our wishes can come true. You can use any prayer you like, or simply just say it. “Universe, I acknowledge that I am out of alignment, that I am tired of being blocked and stressed and that I am ready to shift right now. I am ready to look at this situation with love and peace, and I ask for your help in making this transition. I take a step back and let you lead the way, presenting a spiritual solution that is in my best interests. This simple choice of yours will put you on the road of alignment.

Focus on feeling good

Everything is energy, and we are all vibrating at some frequency (good or bad) all the time, and our feelings will tell us at what frequency we are at some moment.

feeling= vibration

Try to be the best version of yourself who is physically fit, happy, and enjoying life, because joy aligns you with your true potential.

When we are in an emotional downward spiral and are having a negative rant, we must consciously choose our thoughts back to love and gently push ourselves to the next good feeling thought. Because it is impossible to go from one end of the scale to the other, the idea is to take one step at a time and continue this upward momentum and propel yourself into joy.

You can use the above emotional scale cycle for refrence to move to the next good feeling.

Silent meditation:

Practicing a 20- to 30-minute silent meditation can be a real game changer and help you align with the energy of the source. Most of our thoughts are of judging, debating, critiquing, and imagining how the outcome should have been rather than accepting reality, and this continuous monologue can prevent us from experiencing the flow of creation in the present moment; therefore, when we sit in a calm state and meditate, we enter a state of stillness and receive.

According to Eckhart Tolle, “true intelligence operates silently.” “Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found.”

Ask for guidance:

We are all forms of universal power, and guidance is always available to us. When you are ready, you can ask your spirit guide/angel/universe/for guidance and ask them to assist you in certain matters, let go of control and they will assist you once invited. Just trust that they are here to guide you in your human form, that they are always available for you, and that they only want the best for you. They will give you a clear sign, so just open your eyes, ears, and mind and follow the guidance. When you learn to trust spiritual guidance, you become one with the universe.

Let go of judgement and blame:

Let go of all the judgement of yourself and others and practise forgiveness, as we are all one. When we criticise and blame, we put ourselves in a bad vibration and feel unsettled from the inside, and we become a block to attracting good things. So to align with the source energy, which I believe is love, we should let go of all blame and refrain from all forms of criticism.

Practice appreciating the good and living in the moment:

Try to live and breathe in the moment, stop ranting over past mistakes or worrying about your future, and appreciate all the good things you have in your life at present. As we appreciate something, we attract more of it.

Unwavering faith:

Demonstrate unwavering faith in the universal power to deliver your highest good at the right time. Do not let your faith twinkle even in the difficult moments, and think that these difficult moments will teach you valuable lessons, and you will get out of this gracefully and powerfully.

Try the above methods for realignment with the source in your spiritual journey, and please share any other methods you know for realignment!



Priya Mishra
Gain Inspiration

I've no idea what I'm doing on Medium, but if the universe has conspired for me to be here, then there must be something amazing that is yet to be found!