Regret or what?

Paweł Martwicki
Gain Inspiration
Published in
1 min readMay 4, 2023

I used to think that every suffering was so needed that I didn’t even take medicines while sick.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

But, was I right?

Is asceticism a way of life?

I think that yes it is… Well, maybe when you’re sick you should take your meds.

What choice do we have?

Suffer from regret or suffer from the consequences of our actions.

Chosen suffering is not equal to unchosen one.

Chosen suffering is when someone goes to the gym, yet no one ever regrets that — but they still suffer.

Unchosen suffering is when you brake your leg, you suffer (pretty severe to be honest) and everyone whish that their leg wasn’t broken — and they still suffer.

Photo by Edgar Chaparro on Unsplash

From personal experience, there’s no worse feeling than emptiness in your chest caused by regret, when you know something could be achieved. The pain is constant, you can only choose its form.



Paweł Martwicki
Gain Inspiration

,,A professional can be recognized by the shavings he leaves behind"