Self Discipline Is Sexy

A quality that teaches you how to be the best

Holistic Holly
Gain Inspiration
4 min readAug 9, 2023


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Do you ever wake up in the morning and have the strongest urge to call out of work?

Or not show up to class, or a meeting?

Having to go to bed when you’re not tired just so you don’t regret it in the morning?

Resisting eating or drinking things that you know aren’t good for you — health and money-wise?

When you have to do something and you just really don’t want to?

As strong as that urge may be, you still have to do it.

So why are some things extra hard to do some days?

Sometimes it get’s to a point where you just need a break even if you don’t realize it — until your body tells you.

Maybe it’s time for a change.

Sometimes it takes the Universe hitting you up-side the head for you to finally get the message.

To see that change that you know needs to happen.

That little voice inside your head that tells you what the right next step is even if it seems hard.

This world has conditioned us to go, go, go all the time that we’ve learned to push aside a lot of personal feelings, therefore we get used to ignoring them.

But those feelings can only be ignored for so long…until the Universe steps in and makes the message so clear that it can’t be ignored.

And when that smack up-side the head happens, you have a choice:

Do you want to pay attention and listen to what it’s telling you?

Or are you just going to rub the side of your head and continue wondering why things are the way they are?

My advice: Don’t ignore that sign.

The Universe is always going to work in your favor as long as you put in your 1%

Someone very close and important to me told me once, “as long as you put in your 1%, the rest will fall into place”.

You are responsible for everything that happens in your life.

Everything you do is a choice.

Every choice impacts your future — major and minor.

Minor choices can add up to major changes and that snowball affect can end up be the most impactful.

This is the beautiful power of self discipline.

Practicing self discipline is placing you right on the path of success.

Doesn’t matter what path you’re trying to go down — if you have goals, honing the mindset of self discipline is going to get you to reach those goals before you even realize.

And a lot of things in between will change for the better and will seem easier as well.

Self discipline teaches you to push through when you don’t want to sometimes, but you know it’s the better decision in the long run.

You’ll be thanking yourself later and you may even think, ‘huh, that wasn’t as bad as I thought’.

It wasn’t ‘so bad’ because it was beneficial to you. :)

Having self discipline shows confidence, control of your power and strength.

Having self control shows maturity and trustworthiness.

It will teach you to trust in yourself and it’ll keep you on the path to success — whatever that path is for you.

If you have the confidence to trust yourself, others will notice that quality and see that you’re trustworthy.

If you haven’t let yourself down, which is the easiest thing to justify doing, you wouldn’t let others down, would you?

Not with a self disciplined mindset.

It will make you stronger and bring out your best qualities at the same time.

Self discipline can turn you into the best version of yourself; and that’s a huge plus for you and everyone around you!

Listen to your highest self and listen to what that voice is telling you. Even when you really don’t want to. The more you want to resist listening to that little voice, the more you know it’s right and it’s only going to strengthen your better qualities and you will learn how strong you actually are.

Always listen to yourself.

Always trust in yourself.

That little voice in the back of your head might be quiet sometimes, but that’s when you should listen to it.

Keep practicing and allow yourself to be the best version all the time.

Thanks for reading! Stay empowered and never give up on what you love!



Holistic Holly
Gain Inspiration

Be happy, be healthy and be inspired and inspiring. Loves yoga, animals, reading and writing and doing anything that makes me happy. Colorado local.