Shhhh… SILENCE Body Shamers!

Gain Inspiration
Published in
3 min readJun 16, 2023
Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

Knowingly or unknowingly the people abuse the physical appearance of individuals. Sometimes it’s not only about the physical appearance but also about the way of behavior, the way of speaking and clothing. This is a cruel practice by the people, where they have no idea about how it can harm the others. Slowly people started to accept this which may lead to low self esteem and loss of self confidence.

Often people abuse the individuals by calling them with pet names and also by the disability of the individual. Depressed over the body shamming many had taken their lives and committed suicide.

One thing that everyone should be clear in is beauty doesn’t come in sizes whereas being healthy and mentally fit can make your life beautiful.

Body shaming is not only about fat shaming it also has various types where people are bullied and teased for their height, skin tone, body hair, tattoos or diseases that leave a physical mark such as psoriasis and sometimes even for their physical disabilities.

But how can we end the cycle of body-shaming if we don’t even realize we’re part of the problem? It’s easier than you think, and it starts at home.

Parents must teach their children that everybody is same. Creating awareness among children would stop them from becoming upcoming body shamers. Parents must also be helped to understand their children by any awareness camp or in parent teachers meeting.

Gender equality is also a significant thing everyone must concentrate, because body shaming not only happen to girls but also for other genders. No one has a right to pass judgment on someone. When a person is aware about how body shaming could hurt someone, they won’t do it.

Body shaming can be harmful to a person’s physical as well as psychological health. Social media platforms have started to take advantage by posting body positivity .Of course, we have a long way to go but as the sayings, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and “Beauty has no forms” holds the truth. Whenever there is a search on body shaming, there is always a result “How to overcome body shaming?” Why should someone overcome it? Overcoming is never a solution but stopping it is one. Don’t hide or isolate yourself from others. We all have days when we don’t look or feel our best, but don’t let this destroy your self-esteem or self-confidence. Let us all together say stop body shaming and love one another.

Feeling beautiful has nothing to do with what you look like -Emma Watson

This is one of my rough draft of a news paper article that I published months ago. Personally, I’ve been through a lot of body shaming, which made me do Self-body shaming just to avoid others lips talking about MY BODY.

If someone who is reading this has a bad experience of body shaming, I just wanna tell you that GOD MADE YOU BEAUTIFUL .




Gain Inspiration

Hey there, fellow wanderers of words ! I'm Annie, a writer trying to unlock the magic within the words.