Should We Desire an Easy Life?

Ease is not what it is all cracked up to be

Douglas Lim
Gain Inspiration


What do we aspire for in our lives, an easy, unchallenging, and self-indulgent existence?

Some people are looking for a quick way out, avoiding hard work at all costs. They could be colleagues, friends, even beloved family members, and maybe us during a time in our life or even now.

We enjoy easy. We dream about it. We seek it out. And we pray for it.

Yet, we notice that self-sacrifice, self-denial, good old-fashioned self-discipline, and hard work create purpose, fulfillment, and long-lasting satisfaction in our lives, sometimes even greatness.

Do we want to have a joyous life? Expect and embrace challenges and labor, which is, of course, not easy. But just like most things worthwhile in life, it requires work, and the effort and struggles become, in large part, the source of our growth, joy, and fulfillment.

An easy life will not bring us happiness, will not satisfy us, and will not give us a sense of purpose and accomplishment. But a life with little resistance and meaningful challenges will leave us unfulfilled, unable to cope, and unable to value the gifts of life, leaving us feeling empty.



Douglas Lim
Gain Inspiration

Writer of faith, inspiration, poetry, and spirituality, a self-proclaimed therapist & philosopher. "Light tomorrow with today." —Elizabeth Barrett Browning