That Wrinkled Smile

Gain Inspiration
Published in
1 min readDec 16, 2023
A Beautiful Memory

The most memorable time of my childhood was in Nashik – one of the many places where I found humble and good people.

I went to that place when I was in 1st grade, I don’t remember his name, but an old man was our driver for the entire journey.

I scarcely remember how he looked but I vividly remember how he was.

As far as I reminisce, he had round glasses and wore a shirt and trousers, and undeniably smiled a lot. That old wrinkled smile had told me many stories. They were about the Ramayana, the history, Shivaji Maharaj, and about life.

He held my hand, he made me sit on his shoulders and walked through the lush trees of the mountainous Nashik.

But the time passed by quickly, and it was time to go. I don’t know his name, or how is he doing now, where is he, or anything much about him. He was a mystery to me but he had surely left an impact for lifelong.

Same way, certain people leave a good impact on us with their kindness and we remember that forever.

Shouldn’t we be kind? And leave an impact?



Gain Inspiration

I am an Artist/Photographer and a Writer/Poet. A motivational speaker. Someone who lives to value life beyond boundaries.