The Answer

Gain Inspiration
Published in
Apr 1, 2024


A poem

Sunrise over mountains and fields
Photo by Jordan Wozniak on Unsplash

Prayers of forgiveness can heal me
Prayers of repentance can heal me
Prayers for peace can lead me
Praying for an hour can calm me
Prayers for my soul can redeem me
I pray every day
To pray away the struggles of today
To pray for better days
I pray for grace
I pray to get away from this place
I pray to stop my heart from racing
I pray to stop my thoughts from pacing
I pray everyday until the peace
I pray for finds me
I pray to God and ask
“Will it always be this way”
And the answer is
Whenever you’re in doubt

©Z-Louise 2024. All Rights Reserved.



Gain Inspiration

‘Variety is the spice of life’ Lover of quotes and quiet time! Please feel free to support my writing here