The Dream of the Snowy Owl + Your Superpowers

Dorothy Kolomeisky
Gain Inspiration
Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2023
Photo by Richard Lee on Unsplash

Have you ever had a dream that felt so real you woke up and it seemed that being awake was more like a dream?

Some people are sure that we live in multiple dimensions at once, that our souls, God-like, transverse planets and galaxies unknown to our conscious selves as we rest — and that we actually all possess “super human” powers. Like thousands of strings on a guitar, potential realities exist simultaneously all around us, each one its own note.

I had a dream once that my friend and I were eating lunch on a patio, in a little local cafe in spring. The parking lot in front of us became hopelessly jammed and no one could move. People got out of their cars to try to figure out how to unlock. I told my friend I’d be right back, flew up from the table, surveyed the parking lot below, instructed everyone to get back in their cars, then levitated cars to loosen the whole scene up.

It was as easy and no-nonsense as, say, putting oranges in a bag at the grocery store. In a flash everyone was free to carry on with their day, and I went back to eating lunch.

But passersby were staring, incredulous. One person asked what they had just witnessed, and I said,

“We can all do that and much greater things, we just forgot how.”

My friend suggested that next time I make myself invisible first as the average person couldn’t cope with seeing such things and that being seen in action may do more harm than good.

I argued that performing necessary acts of intervention or compassion in plain view was important as it triggered the memory in those watching of their own latent abilities.

My friend countered with the idea that if people woke up to their powers prematurely, they may use those energies for selfish purposes or even destroy themselves. Furthermore, that’s why such understandings were reserved for mystery school training only, and diligently guarded from casual exploration, for thousands of years.

I asked her what was a reliable way for us to begin to see our true divine nature, the seat of our power, if not seeing it in one another. She said: Our dreams.

In dreams we can take or leave the offering that comes from beyond, the higher knowledge and subtle upgrades gifted from our own pure soul.

This brings me to the Snowy Owl in the shower dream — if you want to call it a dream. I’d dreamed I’d been at a most resplendent wedding in Italy — filled with colors, delicious smelling foods, laughter, music, dancing … all in the open air. I found myself alone rinsing off in an outdoor white clapboard shower after swimming in the nearby ocean.

Looking up at the sunrays, the dark silhouette of an owl suddenly appeared. She was hovering directly over my head. I stretched my arms skyward and made a platform with my hands, she landed and transmitted a combination of knowledge and profound love that filled my body, stretching far beyond me into the waves, sand, sun and space. I haven’t been quite the same since — as is often the sensation with such dreams.

Do you know what I’m talking about?

If you’re reading this, even if you may have experienced it in a very different and personal way, perhaps you do.

Have you experienced moments of total lucidity, when suddenly you knew who you really are beyond any reason, training or logic? Even if the moments flew by like a peripheral shadow — what did you feel? Have you ever had day dreams or night dreams that you had extraordinary abilities, or you felt touched by a loving being or energy that never quite left you after you woke?

If so, maybe, just maybe, you were remembering yourself — parts of you that had temporarily gone “off line,” and were gently coming back. Perhaps the invisible thread of your life has led you precisely to the very point.

Take a moment to imagine what your own superpowers may be.

Like a detective on the job, look for the little telltale signs along your path that will lead you to knowing yourself in a way you may not have imagined before.

No matter what your dreams are, or how you may feel, know that you are wise. Know that you have the capacity for infinite understanding within you. Know that you are capable of creating anything you can conjure up in your mind. You merely need to be open to this, to begin to connect the inner dots.

For sure, you have powers beyond belief.


A few days after my dream, I found what looks just like a Snowy Owl feather. I live in a place too warm for Snowy Owls. Several days after, I told someone very close to me about the dream, who too had found a similar feather, during a recent trip — to a place even further south.

Image by author



Dorothy Kolomeisky
Gain Inspiration

Creative Solutions Coach. Writing Coach. Author. Mom. Artist. Ambassador for Peace. Fascinated with the unknowable, mysterious + magickal.