The Fight You Didn’t Know You Had To Win

Can you live with what you've done

Larry Nowicki
Gain Inspiration


created by Larry Nowicki on

After a long day at work, Joe walked to the parking lot to get his car. He was usually at work, looking forward to quitting time. It was already getting dark, and his awareness was slightly relaxed. He was startled when a man stepped in front of him out of the shadows and demanded, “Give me your money.”

Joe, going into reaction mode, looked at him and said no. The man held up a knife. Instantly, Joe put his hands up to guard against an attack. As the man came forward, Joe parried the blade and punched into the man's shoulder, dislocating and disabling it. Then he did a backfist to the side of the man's head, knocking him unconscious to the ground. This action caused the eye orbital to break, putting stress on the eyeball and causing a detached retina. Ultimately, this injury causes permanent site damage.

Joe had won the fight and got in this car. He went home. Later, when thinking about what had happened, he thought there were many things he could have done, but this one man caused a life-changing injury to the attacker. He felt terrible about what he had done, but it wasn't his choice. He did what he had to do to survive. In the weeks and months that followed, Joe remembered the attack and tried to think of what he could have done differently. In the end, he decided…



Larry Nowicki
Gain Inspiration

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