The Magic of Turning 60: Welcoming Life with Fresh Eyes

Vinia Majaba
Gain Inspiration
Published in
1 min read1 day ago


As I approach this new dimension, it gives me a different perspective on living my life. I will now:

Become even more mindful of every breath I take and things that take my breath away.

Worry less and live more.

Become more fascinated by simple things.

Be more spontaneous because plans don’t always go as expected.

Do not feel afraid to go on vacation alone for the first time.

Is it true that pursuing happiness is a long road in our modern world? And that once a goal has been achieved, another one will wait right next to it?

“Ever since happiness heard your name, it has been running through the streets trying to find you.” — Hafiz of Persia.

Making joy last much longer by embracing the splendor it brings and not longing for the next. Reveling in the delight of each moment, finding wonder in the ordinary and the extraordinary.

To fully understand the benefit of “No expectations” means no disappointments.

I am grateful to God for reaching this age.

