The Power of Sleep.

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Gain Inspiration
Published in
4 min readNov 14, 2022

The power of sleep is underrated. From students to entrepreneurs, workers of any kind, people in today’s world say they don’t get enough sleep because “they work hard” or are always busy. I believe it isn’t always necessary for success. Although you have a limited amount of hours in a day, success does not come to you overnight. Staying up a little later or waking up a little earlier every now and then isn’t a terrible idea when it comes to discipline or taking a break, however you may take it. It shouldn’t always be normalized to loose many hours of sleep constantly. There is more scientific statistics but this will cover more personal experience, mindfulness, and overall how an individual may work but it always depends on each and every one of you. This may work and not for you, but it is an idea and keeps you from overworking yourself at times.

Daily Reset.

It is said those who are happy sleep less, and vice-versa, those who aren’t satisfied with their reality will tend to sleep more and dream about what they want. Depends on the individual, if I do say so. From personal experience, being in a higher state of good does release “happier” hormones which can always keep you up at night or make you sleep better. It’s always good to get the right amount of hours of sleep your body wishes or should get used to, whether you’re having a bad or good day, your body releases and relax before a brand new day. Every day, a next 24h, your body needs a reset and ready for whatever needs to be done. In a way, your emotions and yesterday’s events (good or bad), becomes a memory and you have a full reset and room for the present moment to tackle for the rest of the day.

Easier Said Than Done.

There is no good in comparing yourself with others. Those who say they don’t sleep to work harder, etc. Every one works differently, in different environments. The best you can do is compare yourself to yourself everyday, moving forward. Your body has its own needs. Some days don’t always go as planned as others, or as good as others. Therefore, it is easier said then done when you know you should go to bed early but are rather in a high of motivational peak where you are deep into work of whatever sort and want to get things done. Or you’d rather take a break and finish a movie you’re watching, leading to going to bed a little later than planned. You work the way you do, for what you want. Some take more time to reach their own success, however you may take it or wherever you think that may be. Simply to keep in mind, the power of sleeping and resting in that way, keeps the mind and body at ease. To remind yourself, to reset, and perform better. Small habits lead to bigger results in the long term.

The More ‘Mindful’ Approach.

This may not be for all, but in addition to the power of sleeping and resting, can become a huge mindful practice. Although it is said your mind works as hard if not more, asleep versus being awake, your subconscious is dominant when you’re asleep instead of your conscious being mostly dominant while awake. Therefore, you can forge the thoughts and dreams that come to you. This can also be called lucid-dreaming; when you control your own self within the dreams that present themselves during your sleep. That’s always a more “fun” approach when it comes to sleeping, more precisely dreaming, but what will be covered through this idea is manifestation. I know many if not all, have mixed feelings about manifestation, how it works, if it’s just nonsense, etc. What is meant by manifestation in this case, you think heavily about your success and end goals right before you fall asleep and the first few minutes of consciousness when you awake the next morning. These phases right before you fall asleep and right when you wake up, is the transition between your subconscious back to conscious and vice-versa, which is also known to be the highest vibration period, most vulnerable, or most aware you’re mind and reality can shift. That is why you must “manifest” that reality in those periods of time when it happens, when you can remember to do so, etc. Quick disclaimer: not to obsess or constantly think of the end goals, but it is important to remember every once in a while, while working step by step, trusting the process and enjoying the journey to that said goal.

Try it for Yourself.

To finish off this mindful power within our sleep, it can really help reset the mind and body. Dreaming, if remembered the next day, can be an awareness of the subconscious mind showing you what it is you should work on, learning more about yourself, emotionally in touch with yourself, and much more. All it takes is being aware of what the power of sleep all together can bring you. Everything afterwards comes along, don’t force it.

The Power of Sleep: brings awareness of rest to the mind and body.

