The Regenerated River

Mariana Busarova
Gain Inspiration
Published in
6 min readJun 15, 2023


Magic is here. We need to discover it.

Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash

‘The River is back!’— said Serene.

Her chest moved quickly. She was breathing shallowly, taking little gulps of oxygen.

‘Which river’ — asked Jeremiah, staring at her reddish cheeks.

‘Our River, Jemy!’ — exclaimed she.

‘How do you know? Did you run five miles up the plateau to reach the river spring?’

‘I was down in the village, and I felt her.’

‘Felt “her”? It is a river Serene, not a girlfriend of yours.’

‘If we want to be detailed — I feel her. It. The River. She is back, and she’s alive! Don’t you believe me, Jemy?’

Jeremiah turned his eyes aside.

‘You don’t’ — continued Serene — No one believes me. You all think I am just a girl with too much imagination. Maybe I am not too tall, but I am not stupid!’ — continued Serene.

‘No, you are not stupid. I know you are smart, my tiny Skyie!’

Serene smiled. Jemmy used to call her “Skyie”, pretending she was as pretty as the serene sky on a sunny day with no clouds.

‘So, why don’t you believe me? The River is back. She is reborn. We are going to have water, and the valley will not die! It is splendid, don’t you think…



Mariana Busarova
Gain Inspiration

Top writer in Poetry on Medium. An editor of "Read or Die" publication. Reading and writing are part of me. I feel them both so naturally connected with me.