The Social Trait That Will Completely Change Your Life

Gain Inspiration
Published in
2 min readJun 10, 2023

What’s the difference between a boring person and a fun person?

Imagine you’re at a party where you don’t know anyone, maybe except the host. It’s still relatively early and nobody’s drunk yet.

Which person, out of all the ones you don’t know yet, are you going to spend the most time around?

I guarantee you, it won’t be the person who’s taking things very seriously.

Humour is the way to go, mate.

How does it work?

Let’s dive in.

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

What do people remember you for?

I saw this quote somewhere and it really struck me:

People don’t remember you for what you said, but for how you made them feel.

Think about it for a moment.

How you make people feel is more important than what exactly you’re saying (although that is also important). You could convey the same piece of information in a boring way and in a fun way, and it will feel so much different, even though you essentially said the same thing.

Being funny requires you to be smart

There’s a deep correlation between sense of humour and intelligence. One day I will write a full article about it.

To make your own jokes, to deliver them correctly and to have precise timing, you just gotta be smart.

While this could discourage some people, think about it the other way around — becoming funny will force you to get smarter.

It’s a win-win.

How to become funny?

Short answer: Practice.

Long answer: be around people whose humour you like. That includes what you watch on the internet. This is the reason some people seem to be naturally talented at being funny: they have spent a lot of time hearing good jokes. Also, practice.

Okay, that answer wasn’t that long.

Please know when to stop.

I’m the biggest preacher of humour and being non-formal, but it’s important that you know when not to be a clown. I’ve learned it the hard way and hope you won’t have to.


Hello mates! My name is Szymon. I write stuff that hopefully makes you think. If you like my articles, consider buying me a coffee for $1 here and subscribing via email here.

