The Warrior Mentality: Lessons from Everyday Heroes

The never say die spirit

Shubha Apte
Gain Inspiration
3 min readJun 26, 2024


Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

What is it that keeps some people going despite life’s most complex challenges? How do they summon the strength to move forward when everything seems to be falling apart? The answer lies in their indomitable spirit and a “never say die” attitude.

I have always admired people who are born optimists and possess a never-say-die attitude. These individuals never give up and have the ability to deal with pain, sorrow, joy, and stress. They decide to live life to the fullest despite insurmountable problems.

Life lessons from resilient individuals

One such person I admire the most is my good friend and neighbour of the last 20 years. For the last 15 years, she has been the primary caregiver for her husband, a dementia patient.

Post-COVID, she was diagnosed with lung cancer and had to undergo surgery and chemotherapy and endure all the side effects of this deadly illness. Physically, she was shrinking, but mentally, she remained strong.

Her faith in God, her spirit, and her never-say-die attitude helped her recover and become cancer-free.

Today, at 70, she continues to work for an NGO supporting those in need.

She travels extensively across the globe because she wants to experience the different cultures, cuisines, and customs of various countries. This friend is the epitome of the “never say die attitude.”

Her tenacity is admirable. She is always willing to help and support. When my mother passed away in her sleep, she was the first to arrive at my home.

She stood by me, giving me emotional support and organizing all the cremation formalities and religious rituals. She arranged breakfast, lunch, and dinner for me and my family because we are not allowed to cook when we have a death in the family.

She has always been my biggest inspiration, and I think of her whenever I feel depressed and bogged down by life’s problems.

Another person I admire is a friend’s 8-year-old son. Yesterday, while visiting my friend, I noticed her son practicing running in the playground opposite their house. My friend looked worried because her son has asthma, and each time he runs, he becomes breathless.

I asked the little boy why he wanted to participate in his school’s running race when it caused him so much pain and breathlessness. He looked at me and said, “Because I can still run, and I have not collapsed.”

This 8-year-old taught me the most important lesson of my life. Never say die when you can still do what you want. We all have problems, and quitting is never a solution. Live life till the end.

One needs to have a warrior mentality and keep moving forward in the face of setbacks.


Adopting a never-say-die attitude can be the key to overcoming life’s most significant challenges in a world that constantly tests our limits.

Whether it’s a 70-year-old cancer survivor or an 8-year-old boy with asthma, their stories remind us that resilience and determination can help us push through our darkest times.

These individuals teach us that as long as we have breath, we have the power to keep moving forward. Embracing this mindset can transform our approach to life’s obstacles, enabling us to live more fully and courageously.

So, let us all strive to develop a never-say-die attitude and inspire others to do the same.



Shubha Apte
Gain Inspiration

A self-improvement advocate, my journey unfolds through , travel, and life experiences, and insights gained navigating the corporate world.