They do not exist.

‘Short Shower Thoughts’ series: Episode 2.

[old account]
Gain Inspiration
3 min readJun 1, 2023


This new shower thought episode really blows my mind. Nothing really “exists”. If we cover the correct definition of ‘existing’; it is something or someone that is operating at the current moment. Therefore, you exist. You exist because you see yourself doing so. You see other people exist because you see them, you perceive them walking, talking, operating. However, can one exist if they are no longer in sight? If I am at home, reading a book, I exist. The people I previously saw do not. They do not exist in your current reality. I saw my friend the other day, my friend of course exists. But I am now at home, reading a book, that friend of mine no longer ‘exists’ because they are not within my sight, they are not physically operating at that present moment.

This thought or statement, as you would like to call it, can help with whatever stress of past or future events that you think of. Reset your mind to enjoy and focus on the present moments. The second you are no longer with that friend of yours and you are at home reading that book, you are the only person “existing” in that said reality or present moment. Of course, the terms we use are ‘memories’ or ‘past’ and ‘future’ but the thought itself is quite interesting. Similar to the feeling or thought when you keep saying the same word over and over because it sounds odd all of a sudden although that word is quite common. For example; why does broccoli sound that way? Why is broccoli called bro-cco-li? Who came up with such a word?

These shower thoughts and questions always come from the simplest ideas and complex discussions that challenge the mind on its own.

Why it isn’t real.

We tend to overthink a subject or situation that hasn’t happened yet. Or about something that has already happened, meaning we cannot change the outcome no matter what. This means you are mentally living in an uncertain reality of the future and a ‘permanent’ past you cannot fix. There is never anything from the past to fix, only to learn. Focus on what you can control and manage your stress before it manages you, in the long run. The future doesn’t exist, therefore focus on making the best outcome for what is to come. That you can change, but don’t miss the present moment for it is what only exists now. Take a step back to notice that nothing exists except for where you are and what is happening at that current moment.

As we tend to think of everything but the present moment, it is good to be consciously aware of those moments. Be aware and grateful for your current reality. Be aware of the amount of time you spend learning lessons from the past and preparing for a manifested future. However, bring yourself back to reality and take action. Don’t let your mind wander too far from your physical being. This itself is what can cause anxiety, over stress, negative thoughts, etc.

Your present moment is your only reality. Make it count. Make it peaceful.

